School Board

The St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School Board consists of elected and appointment members from the school and Parish community. The School Board meets once a month. Board members are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting,  held in March.

The purpose of the St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School Board,  in partnership with the Principal,  is to:

  • administer the governance of the school
  • support educational excellence
  • develop polices that nurture the religious dimension and guide the direction of the school
  • promote educational excellence
  • support the leadership of the school
  • foster harmonious and positive collaboration within the school community
  • protect children
  • monitor and maintaining buildings and grounds
  • exercise financial stewardship of the school; and
  • ensure compliance with legal obligations.

School Board Members:

  • Adam Hamilton (Chairperson)                      
  • Virginia DeDonatis (Deputy Chairperson)
  • Malcolm Barkle (Finance Chair)
  • Lisy Stephan (P&F Representative)
  • Elle Rayson (Staff Representative)
  • Kaylene Haslam (Parish Representative)
  • Simon Lowe
  • Fernanda Ikeda
  • Nick Ellis

Ex-Officio members:

  • Father Peter Zwaans (Parish priest - President)
  • Liza Couzens (Principal - Executive Officer)
  • Anna Lonergan (Minute Secretary)
  • Lisa Freebairn (Finance Officer/WHS coordinator)